Sunday, September 9, 2007

Let Us Pray

Recently, Auntie Marina felt some things that were out of the ordinary. She noticed she was having trouble focusing, her appetite was gone, she had headaches, and her speech was slurred.

When she went to her doctor, she explained her symptoms. She was directed into surgery. The doctor knew her symptoms indicated a swelling of a blood vessel located in her brain-- it was an aneurysm.

The surgery was successful, however, a second aneurysm was located. The doctors have decided not to perform surgery, but they are monitoring this second area of swelling.

Marina has been at home recovering. The Aunties and Uncle Martin have been helping her with the kids, and have taken dinner to the house each night. Ronny Chackel, and Marina's friend James have also been helping with the kids.

Here is a wikipedia article on Cerebral Aneurysms (click for article), including the symptoms, causes, types, and treatment.

Aunties, Uncles, Cousins: Let us pray for Marina, and for her children.

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