Thursday, August 9, 2007

Business Weekly Spotlight: Hernandez Tree Care

This week we're taking a look at 'Hernandez Tree Care' run by our very own Ron/Ronny/Ronald/Ron-Dawg Hernandez.

Though mostly a side business for him, Ronny has been running this business for several years now. A look at the Yellow Pages ad will tell you all the things 'Hernandez Tree Care' can handle for residential and commercial jobs:

* Dead Wooding
* Land Cleared for Fire Protection
* Planting
* Preservation
* Pruning
* Removal
* Surgery
* Transplanting
* Trimming
* View Clearing

Ronny has experience in tree trimming and removal, working for other companies in the past while building his skills and knowledge of the trade. There's a lot more to it than hacking away at a branch-- just ask Ronny and he'll tell you plenty.

If you ever call him for a job, just look for the white truck and the green ad on the side announcing the arrival of 'Hernandez Tree Care.'

Hernandez Tree Care
Ron Hernandez, Owner

Get Your Islander On

Meagan Berendt goes on stage this Saturday, August 11.

Meagan will be demonstrating her skills in Hawaiian/Polynesian Dance in Port Hueneme.

Call Rosanna for details: 805-735-3268.

Get you islander on, Megs!

Birthday Parties Galore

Late breaking for me, but it seems we have a couple of birthday parties going on this weekend. Here's the info:

Good Lord, she’s 22!

Cindy’s celebrating her 22nd birthday this Saturday, August 11, at Rusty’s Pizza Parlor on the Beach (click for map) in Santa Barbara from 2pm-4pm.

Please RSVP with Mija: 805-564-1989

Let's see if he throws some cake...

Isaac Medina (Natalie's oldest) is celebrating his 3rd birthday this Saturday, August 11, at home in Carpinteria (click for map).

Be sure to bring your bathing suits!

RSVP: 805-448-3319

Happy Birthday, y'all!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Guest Commentaries

Last week we started a regular item on The Herd. Every Tuesday we'll be highlighting someone in the family who has a business, is self-employed, someone engaging in a new business or financial endeavor. Well, I'd also like to open things up for another regular thing.

If anyone has something to say, something to write about, something they want to communicate to the family-- go right ahead. Let me know, and I will post whatever you want. The guest commentaries will be open to anyone, and on just about any topic.

I know some of us can type something up and send it in an email. Others, however, don't have the skills or the equipment. That's fine-- get a hold of me and I can type what you say, or you can have someone else do it.

I hope to have some regular input from others in the family. I know some of us have things on our minds, and some of us like to talk...

::cough:: Uncle Vic ::cough:: I know we can put some Guest Commentaries up soon and often.

Shout shout let it all out...

Happy writing, y'all.

New Link

Y'all take a look at the 'Links' section in the right column.

I added a link to a Santa Barbara-based site called

Edhat has links to Local News stories from all over the area-- KEYT, local Blogs, KSBY in the North, Lompoc Record and Santa Maria Times, Santa Barbara Daily Sound, the Independent.... the list goes on.

The news here is usually up way ahead of the News-Press, and usually has stories days ahead of that paper. It's also a way for the out-of-towners to get some accurate info for free.

Enjoy the link!