Friday, October 19, 2007

Aunties Go To Vegas

I will update as I get more info.

I almost couldn't believe it when I heard, but it's true. A group of our mothers and aunts took a trip to Las Vegas-- they're enjoying it as we speak.

A few months in the making, the Aunties are staying at the Bellagio Hotel. The itinerary no doubt includes good food, showing off their legs by the pool (all the way up to the knee for that once a year quota for leg exposure), maybe some browsing, maybe some shopping.

The highlight of the trip is going to see Elton John in concert. The singer-- grammy winner, oscar winner, friend of the late Princess Diana-- has been famous for the better part of 3 decades, yet few of us have actually seen him in concert. Lucky them for stepping up and doing more than just talk about a trip. Enjoy the show!

I'll get some names, and hopefully I'll have some pictures from their trip to show. We might see someone make money on a slot machine, millionaires buying them a round of drinks for taking a picture with them, and someone's whiter-than-white legs looking like they took a picture of the sun.

Have fun, y'all!

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