Friday, July 20, 2007

Third Sunday Breakfast

Afternoon, y'all.

This is just a little tidbit about the Third Sunday Breakfasts we have at the Mesa Cafe. In case you don't already know, we started this on the Sunday after Uncle Bob went to Heaven. It was a reason to get together as Cousins, and we have done it every month since. Here's a pic of us on that first Third Sunday (click for pic).

We have a lot of fun when we get together. Just the cousins, none of the Aunties or Uncles. It makes you wonder why we don't gather like that more often. In any case, the invitations are open-- I will go every Third Sunday to get a table, and I'll be eating no matter if it's just me or if it's 40 of us. You're not obligated, but know that it's fun and helps remind us about the importance of family.

You can find the date, time, and address for the Mesa Cafe in the Calendar (under 'Links' in the column on the right). If you go to the Calendar, and click on 'Third Sunday Breakfast', you will be able to see the information about it, and you will see the word 'map'. If you click on 'map' you will see the exact location and can get directions if you need.

Every Third Sunday, 10am, Mesa Cafe.

REMINDER: the breakfast for this month was rescheduled for this Sunday, July 22 at 10:15.

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