Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Guest Post: Newer Jobs and Older Brothers

Here's another Guest Commentary from Uncle Martin. Not for nothing, but he can write well, and convey his point and emotions pretty well, eh?

Well folks a funny thing happened while I was on patrol with my training partner (at my new job as a security officer at one of my favorite places in the world, Santa Barbara city college). As we were headed back to headquarters we see this man in this big white truck backed up in between two classrooms, not illegally, but nevertheless my partner blurted out, "Uh, hello, what are you trying to do?"

As I turned to get a good look at the driver I notice it is my brother Sal. In response to my partner's comments I said something like, "Yeah, really..."-- ignoring the fact this guy just so happens to be my beloved brother. Although I did wonder, "What the hell is this guy up to now?"

Fast forward 20-30 minutes later...

We are at the opposite end of campus opening up the theater for a big event when I spotted Sal again only this time I'm thinking "Gee how nice is this, here's my brother taking classes wanting to learn in hopes of bettering himself."

Well, good times then! Uncle Martin's got a new job at City College, Uncle Sal is taking a class to better educate himself, and Santa Barbara's still a small enough town that you can run into family and friends just about anywhere.... AN-Y-WHERE!

Here's to both men, and to more Guest Commentaries in the near future!

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